Friday, July 25, 2008

6/8 months

Elliott and Aaron are 8 months today...and 6 months this past Wednesday. I can now feel like I am doing to right thing when I feed them solids!!! Both boys took nice naps this morning...from 9-11:15 for Aaron and 11:30 for Elliott. Elliott would have slept longer too but I had to get out of bed...thats right....they slept so well because Aaron was sleeping with Andrew and I was sleeping with Elliott. At least that gave them one good nap today. The other two were not so good....the last one only being about 25 minutes for each. Aaron was asleep by 7:30pm and didn't wake up until 10:30 pm!!! YAY Aaron!!! I don't know when Elliott went to sleep but it's now almost 11:30 and he is still sleeping. Aaron just almost finished a bottle and will go back to sleep for another few minutes...hopefully.

I called Dr. Maini about Aaron puking so much. I was hoping to try a new med or have some testing done but she just told us to give him 1.25ml twice a day instead of 1ml twice a day...I don't see how that tiny amount will help but she's a doctor and knows what she is doing right?

Last night we skipped swimming lessons and went out to eat...not at FlatTop...I know all who know us are in shock!!! We went to Old Chicago. It was yummy and the boys sat in high chairs for the first time. They did great. I will have to post the pictures soon. In order to do it now I would have to unplug either the fancy smart phone and lose internet connection or unplug the chillmat and the computer would go too slow to load anything. I will try to get to it tomorrow but I am not making any promises. Andrew and I were actually able to eat a meal without holding a baby!!! We did have to watch Aaron every second because is go go gadgit arms kept reaching thing like forks and salt shakers and whatnot. The hostess gave the boys menus and crayons...Aaron tried to eat his menu and I think he actually did swollow some...I didn't let them have the crayons...I think they are too young... Both boys enjoyed chewing on the table inspite of the fact that I brought their favorite toys. It was pretty gross but I am sure the table gets cleaned more often than the high chairs and I wiped the table off with a wipee. Even if they ingested tons of yucky stuff I felt better using a wipee =) We stopped at Target after for diapers and formula and two cart/highchair covers. Having to buy two of lots of stuff kind of sucks and makes Andrew's checks not go as far!!! Speaking of Andrew's checks not going far....we are now excepting donations for a super gate....if you use paypal, you can send donations to I am only sort of kidding...

I better go and help Aaron go back to sleep. Andrew is letting him touch everything and its really light in here and he can't calm down when there are things to touch...


1 comment:

Niecy said...

Good for you and them! I'm glad you guys are getting into a groove!!!