Tuesday, February 5, 2008

we have a house!!!

It's true...we have a house. Actually two now, but I am sure that the Elkhart house will sell very very VERY soon =) We put two offers in on the house in Mackinaw but the bank would not budge so we gave up. Andrew looked at a house in Peoria without me last Tuesday..I think. He came home and told me he wanted to buy it. I saw pictures online and wasn't that impressed. He told me that the rooms were small and it was only a one car garage. I just kind of blew it off. The Wednesday he texted me and told me that he had arranged for me to go look at the house with Mario on Friday. He said that he wanted me to go through it and then put in an offer. The house was listed last Monday so I knew we didn't have a lot of wiggle room with the price...plus I didn't think it was the right house. Anyway...Andrew, the boys, and I went to look at the house Friday. Aside from the purple shudders and door I love it. I knew the second I stepped in the front door that it was our house. I don't know that our family can add more people to it in the house but it is perfect for now. We put in an offer on Friday and the people accepted it on Friday. We close on March 7 and move in March 9. YAY!!!

Elliott and Aaron had a super day yesterday. Nobody threw up and they slept very well in between feedings. I had to let Aaron cry for about 7 minutes before he fell asleep and I hated doing that. I keep reading that babies cry for a reason and you shouldn't let them cry but I can't hold them both all day either. I am putting my babies first and everything else second, but I still can't hold and calm two babies and once as well as prepare and wash bottles. They HAVE to learn to sleep without being held. Aaron goes to the urologist tomorrow to check on his hypospadius and hydrocele. Hopefully nothing will require surgery!!! I am sure that God will get us though it if it does. Nothing can be worse then having babies in the NICU for a month!!! Gotta go...Aaron is screaming!!!



annabelle said...

Jen - even though I LOVE you guys being here I'm so VERY happy that you have a home here in Peoria that's all your own. Also check out diapers.com on Ebates. They have huge boxes of pampers and the AR enfamil...plus you get free shipping over $50 and 5% off if you spend more than $75.

Becky said...

Hi Jen,

Just some words of encouragement from a fellow twin mama... I think you're doing great! Getting them to sleep on their own is the best thing I did for mine. Yes, they have to cry sometimes... but that's reality and they'll be just fine!

Congrats on your new house!

Becky (Q sis of Julie's)