Aaron today...10 months!!!
the boys tonight waiting for their daddy to get home...Elliott just sat down (I think he was tired after all his crawling around and being crazy today) and Aaron is happy to see his dad
this is what they do with their bench now
Aaron being cute...
Andrew didn't shut the bathroom door...I found them in there both standing up at the toilet (gross)...I was washing dishes...this was all Andrew's fault =)
Elliott today...wearing shoes...
Elliott again...trying to get the diaper bag
That's right...Elliott and Aaron are 10 months old today. We were at Target and someone asked if they were about 6 months...I really don't think they are small...not 6 months old small. Maybe she had really huge babies...anyway
We celebrated by taking advantage of our last day of have two vehicels and went to Children's Place to exchange some pants and then to Target to buy 4 cans of formula (for the price of 2 woot woot) and some picture frames. I also bought the boys some awesome pirate skull shirts for Halloween and picked up one for Jack too. It felt super good to be able to go where I wanted to with the boys while Andrew was at work but alas...the two weeks is up and aunt Sharon wants her car back = (
The boys are talking alot...I really mean ALOT. It's like every waking moment its "da da" this and "da da" that...ma ma is thrown in sometimes and I think Elliott said Todd today. Aaron said Annie a few days ago. Elliott woke up around 4:44am and talked for at least 30 minutes. At about 5am I peeked in their room thinking I might rock Elliott back to sleep but Aaron was awake too...they were both standing in their cribs...talking away...they both went back to sleep but I woke up around 6am to Elliott talking again. I wanted to get him before he woke up Aaron but I was too late. Aaron was awake again and talking to Elliott. I guess Aaron could have woken up Elliott...maybe I can't tell their voices apart in the wee hours of the morning...anyway. They went back to sleep again but Aaron did cry for a few minutes this time. He woke up at 7:20. I somehow convinced Andrew to get up with Aaron and feed him. At about 8 Andrew woke Elliott up. I guess he was pretty tired after a long night of talking instead of sleeping!!!
WARNING!!! The remainder of the blog entry is not for the easily grossed out people. It's about poop so if you don't want to read about poop...NO NOT READ ON!!!
So...last night Elliott was a little wild. He just had lots of energy. He pooped during dinner...which is fine....any pooping is great after it was so hard for him when he was tiny. Normally after they eat dinner I take them both into their room and strip them down to their diapers. I then leave their room (shutting the door behind) and run the bath for them. I then go back into their room and pick them both up and take them into the bathroom, take off their diapers, and give them a bath. Last night was little different since I needed to clean Elliott's poopy butt. I didn't want to put a diaper on him for 45 seconds so I opted to stand him up looking into the tub. I knew he would stay there. I went back to get Aaron...Elliott peed on the floor in the bathroom while I was getting Aaron. No big deal...Elliott pees on the floor all the time. During their bath Elliott as nuts. He didn't want to sit...he was crawling all over...over his brother..trying to pull up on metal slippery thing...It was a challange to say the least. So..the bath was over. I put them in their towels and carried them both to their room. Normally I put Aaron's diaper on and then let him play while I dry off and dress Elliott. Aaron was being especially "active" so I just wanted to get him dressed so he could just play. I thought that the chance of Elliott's peeing again was slim since he had just peed on the bathroom floor. No sooner and that thought crossed my mind when I heard him peeing...this time on the roll-a-round dinosaur. I sighed and went on dressing Aaron. I thought the Elliott might need to poop a little more...then I heard him grunt...I looked and he hadn't pooped so I thought I was safe. I was almost done dressing Aaron...I can do it very quickly...I can do lots of stuff quickly since I have these crazy babies...I still take super long showers...anyway...I was putting Aaron's arm in his sleeve when I saw it. Elliott was crawing and he had poop on his foot...squished between his toes like mud!!! I yelled "DON'T MOVE!!!!" That didn't work so much...I put Aaron's arm in his sleeve, popped him in his crib and cleaned up Elliott and his turd on the floor in his pee puddle. At least he didn't do it in two different places right? So...I picked up the poop with a billion wipees and put the wipees in the Diaper Champ until I had the boys in bed at which time I was going to take the wad of wipees to the trash. SO...Elliott was dressed and Aaron was dressed. I needed to brush Elliott's tooth and Aaron's gums. I put Elliott at the Incrediblock and picked Aaron up out of his crib (Aaron was having the time of his life in there...don't know why he cries so much when he wakes up from naps!!!) I turned around to see that Elliott had cruised on over the the Diaper Champ and was taking wipees out of it. He is not tall enough to reach in there...he tipped it over enought to get his fast little hand in there. Luckily there were clean wipees on top...I had take like 30 out of the container and only used like 20. I told Elliott that he needed to settle down and not do that. I then put them both in front of me on the floor on their bottoms. They were about to crawl away until they saw the rubber little infant finger brush things. Then both of them got really excited and Aaron was even bouncing. I brushed their tooth and gums then quickly put the tooth/gum brushing stuff in the hallway. Aaron had crawled over to the pee spot and pulled himself up to stand in it. I don't know how he got over there so fast!!! I picked him up and put him on the chaning table to change his socks. No sooner had I put Aaron down when Elliott made a bee line for the night light and wipee warmer cord (these are unplugged during the day so it's safe for them to play in their room. I had just plugged them back in). I somehow, with my monkey arms, held on to Aaron while scooping Elliott up and I put Elliott on the changing table as well. They were both sitting facing me...trying hard to get off the table. Finally both were poop and pee free and in their jammies and ready for bed. I didn't want to put them down again because I had no idea what kind of mess they would get into...it was kind of a hard evening...I had to pull down both shades and turn out the light while carrying my not so light twins....then I was suppsed to rock them and sing to them? Are you kidding? I took a few deep breaths and told them that I didn't feel like singing. I read them "Pajama Time" and sang their three songs and put them into bed. Aaron didn't make a peep and Elliott talked for about 10 minutes. I sat.....
This is so funny. You and Julie should write a book. I really feel bad abut taking my car back. Maybe when I see the doctor tomorrow he will tell me I can't drive for another 2 weeks and my car will have to stay with you.
The pictures are precious.
Look at Andrew greeting the boys with his open enV. And that poop story... so glad I won't have kids.
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