sippie cups
that three times that day.
We took a family trip to the chiropractor today. Everyother time we have gone the boys have loved it. Today they both cried...hard. It was sad. I want them to love Dr. Denise!!! I do!!!
Elliott's eye is doing very very well. His tear duct has been clogged off and on since's been pretty bad for the past at least 6 months. Sometimes it is glued shut after he naps. I have been praying for it to heal for the past week or so and I think it's working. I started to get very worried because the eye doctor said if it's not fixed by the time he is 11 months they have to stick in needle in there to unclog it..and they put him to sleep to do it. It looks like he won't be having surgery because God is fixing it...YAY!!!
I don't know if anyone watches "How I Met Your Mother". It's kind of dumb but last weeks episode was SOOOO funny. Marshall was on a quest to find the best hamburger. It made Andrew and I want hamburgers super bad so we have been having them alot. Not all too healthy but oh so delicious!!!
In other news..Elliott pulled himself up today and then stood for a few seconds without holding on. He didn't fall either...he just put his hand back on the activity table thing. I don't think he knew that he did anything awesome. I am wanting them to walk (I know thats crazy!!!) by Halloween so Tigger (Elliott), Pooh (Aaron), and Roo (Jackson) can walk together at Henry's costume contest. I know they will win...what could be better?!?!? I don't really think they will be walking though. That would be like they started walking at 9 months (adjusted age). I don't think babies really do that.
Andrew had the day off so he was here for bedtime. The babies have a new nightlite that makes big shadows on the wall Elliott's crib is on so when I was sitting on the ottoman with Aaron we were a huge shadow on the wall. Andrew being the silly dad he is gave Aaron shadow bunny ears. Then he did the funniest thing I think I have ever seen him do. He made his fingers look like a claw machine game and shadow grabbed Aaron's head. We lauged and laughed and laughed. Then he said lift him up like claw game is picking him up. So we did that a few time and laughed and laughed some more. Aaron had no idea what was going on...and then it took him forever to get to was worth it!!! Andrew's next day off is Friday...stay tuned for more silly Andrew stories.
MUST....NOT....READ....THIS....BLOG....IN ....BED
Jenna is wondering what is wrong with me and I am soooo gonna wake Jack up again.
Sorry they don't like D. Denise. Jack screams his head off everytime we go there now too. Joe said he is afraid of her hair and skinniness
I forgot to say that I LOVED the pics and I totally thought it was JACK in the last picture.
I love the pictures, especially Aaron's expression in the first one.
Poor Dr. Denise - she thinks all Judy's girls and all her grandchildren are so great!
Joe wants claw machine video
Jen, as I am looking at the pictures of the boys for the hundredth (sp) time I notice that Aaron is certainly a determined little boy. His little hand hasn't let go of that ball during the entire process. In the end he got a fish too! What a couple of kids!!
Love to all, A.Sharon
LOVE the pics!!! You and Andrew are so funny!!!
I lovvvvvve silly Andrew stories.
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