Aaron had a better day as far as puking goes yesterday but today was terrible. I don't know if making the formula thicker is helping or not. I don't know what to do. He is so cute....so cute I can hardly stand it. Elliott is too...and so funny!!! I wish I had a reality show. The stuff they do needs to be recorded. I am not sure that Elliott will ever crawl on his hands and knees. He is so efficient doing it the other way. I think he will go from army crawl to walking. He was so cute this afternoon. Both babies had woken up from their naps and I went in their room to find Aaron all happy on his belly and Elliott sitting up trying to get the stuff on his mobile. I have been telling Andrew that we need to lower their mattresses for weeks...they are going to be pulling themselves up and falling out any day!!! We will have to do it tomorrow!!! Both can pull themselves up using a pair of adult hands but they haven't figured out they can pull up on the sides of the play yard or other furniture.
I tried hard to take some super cute pictures today but it didn't work. I let the boys stay in their jammies all day because they turned 9 months. I am going to post some pictures I took last week when we played outside. Oh my goodness does my eye hurt!!!! I think I have a sty in my eye and it makes me want to cry...
They like it outside
Aaron tasting grass
Elliott tasting grass
I did'nt mean to make you feel bad. I just think you worry about it to much. I understand it makes a lot more work for you but I don't think it means Aaron has a tummy ache. I hope and pray the puking stops very soon. The pictures are adorable, but how could they be anything but adorable. You are a great Mom and you have very happy healthy babies. I am very lucky to have you all. I love you. Mom
Great photos! Glad to see they are doing well and loving the outdoors.
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