Saturday, November 22, 2008


One year ago today was Thanksgiving. My mom, dad, and sisters brought Thanksgiving to me in the hospital. We were thankful the babies didn't come that day. I was given the steroid shots to help the boys lungs mature...this was a wake-up call to me...they WERE coming soon...very very scary. What I remember most, other than the awesome food and loving family, is that I was scared. Andrew was planning on sleeping at Annie's house (where we were living...thanks Annie) because he wanted to be well rested for "black Friday". We he left the hospital I couldn't stop myself from crying. I didn't know what was wrong. I think had just finished a 24 hour urine thing...that was super fun. I had to pee in a thing on the toilet and then dump it in a jug and put it on ice...awesome!!! I didn't have any results from the 24 hour urine. I didn't know why I was so upset but I think it was because I knew I needed Andrew. I was trying to go to sleep when he came back in my room...I couldn't believe it. He didn't know how upset I was God. He couldn't get in Annie's house and she was in Florida. I am actually starting to cry now...I can remember the relief I felt when he just walked right in...He got in my tiny hospital bed with my big belly and held me until I was calm. I remember not wanting him to leave in the morning but I knew he couldn't call in on "black Friday"...I guess I tell that story tomorrow. I couldn't believe he was back!!!

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