Well...you have read it correctly. Elliott and Aaron are feeding tube free!!! They started taking all their feedings from bottles today and have done AWESOME!!! What amazing babies we have =) Aaron passed his carseat test but hated being in the carbed. Elliott also hated being in the carbed and did not pass. The nurse thinks he just made himself too upset...then he puked. I think he just wanted to let Aaron be first at something...what a great big brother!!! Both boys are gaining weights. Elliott is at 1790 grams. That is in between 3lbs 15oz and 4lbs. Aaron is 1660 grams. That is 3lbs 10oz and 3lbs 11oz. I bought carseats today that were recommended by the hospital. They will be a Christmas present from grandma Schwiderski. They can actually be in the carseats instead of carbeds if they can both make it to 4lbs. I think the hospital still wants us to use carbeds. Both boys also received their first RSV shot thing. I found out that our insurance will cover the shots one way or another...apparently they are very expensive. I also may have the proper identification (other then certified copies of their birth certificates) to apply for social security numbers for the boys.
I went to the OB today for a follow up visit. Nothing really happened but I ran into Dr. Boyd (he delivered the babies but I saw Dana the midwife before the preeclampsia crap) on the way out and the nurse person told him about my milk issues and he wrote a prescription for Reglan and told me to take more Fenugreek. The boys Dr...Dr. Hocker, told me I can try to get them to latch on once a day and encouraged me to kangaroo them. YAY for kangaroo!!! All of the prayers for healthy boys seem to have been answered. Stuff could still happen but I am thinking that since there are people praying for our boys all over the country...well at least the Midwest, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Kansas...they will be home before we are ready. Thats a lot of people and a lot of places for two little guys!!! Thanks so much for reading and caring about our babies. I can't wait until they can meet every one of you =)
Julie...let me know about my typos!!! I don't proofread and am usually doing other things while I am typing...not always paying attention to what I am writing.
LOL, I didn't notice any typos, but that doesn't mean anything, maybe I should read it again. I did notice typos in my comments....WHY can't I fix those? :-)
So anyway....I wanted to add that you have people praying for the babies in California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Alaska, Maryland & New York too......and wherever Alli lives ;-)
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