Thursday, December 6, 2007

so much pee!!!

Not much change in the boys today. Elliott and Aaron both have continued with their feeding schedules. They get one more CC in each feeding. Aaron is getting more fluid and something else that has lots of calories to help him gain weight quicker. Elliott is gaining weight on his own...what a chunker..he is over 3 pounds now!!!

I (Jen) was able to bottle feed both boys today and do the take the temperature/change the diaper routine. Elliott was perfect...he was pretty still when I was changing him and didn't freak out when I was taking his temp. He gets all mad sometimes to have a thermometer in his arm pit. Aaron was on the other end of the spectrum. He was so wiggly and fussy when I took his temp and kept scrunching his legs up when I was trying to change his diaper. I was working soooo hard to change his diaper, (I don't know how many of you have had to change a diaper on a teeny baby through the portholes in an isolette keeping in mind that it's important not to tangle the wires too bad, but it's not that easy) I had one hand on his tummy and the other was moving some wires out of the way. Then I thought I felt wet on my hand and instead of keeping his "peepee" covered, I lifted the diaper and he peed everywhere!!! I managed to get pee on the ceiling of his isolette!!! At the same time he spit up....He is trying to prepare me for bringing him home I guess!!! I am sooo ready for my boys to come home...I know that it wouldn't be good for them to be home now but I really wish they were home with us...I really wish we had our own home to bring them home too!!! All in good time right?


1 comment:

The momma said...

I think there us a cute house in Mackinaw ;-)