Monday, December 10, 2007

puke...and the babies are 2 weeks old

I didn't get to the hospital until 5pm. When I called earlier in the day both boys were doing well. Aaron's nurse was going to save Aaron's second nipple feeding for me and Elliott did well with his first nipple feeding. His nurse told me that he was only nipple feeding twice a day. Anyway.....

His nurse tonight told us that he took more then half of his nipple feeding and that she would feed him again at
11:30 because he had been so awake and alert yesterday at that time. Everything else was the same. I was concerned earlier in the night because when I was hanging out with him I noticed that the burp rag he head was on had spit up on it so he was laying in it and smelling it. I don't like the nurse that was with him before 7pm. I don't think it's that hard to check for things like that and make sure that the babies are not laying in puke or have yuck on their faces. It makes me wonder about the care they are getting from certain nurses. It's almost like crappy CNA's (not my awesome sister!!!) in nursing homes or people that work with the DD population. I just think that if you don't really care about the babies then don't work with them. I would gladly take care of all that stuff if they would let me.

I came in and told Aaron's nurse that I would like to Kangaroo him but it was time for him to eat so she was going to let me hold him while being fed through his feeding tube. He was wide awake and so cute. He looked like a regular baby...kicking his feet and moving his arms around. I just wanted to pick him up and take him home. He second nipple feeding was to be at
8:30pm. So I was holding him and he was happy. Then he started to get fussy and I couldn't do anything because I was holding him in my left arm and my right hand was holding his feeding. I was able to calm him down a couple times but I think his tummy hurt. He spit up a few ml of his feeding. He had it all over because I was not given a burp rag and could use my other hand anyway. His nurse took him and put him back in his bed. I was going to put different clothes on him but she advised me to allow him to calm down a bit and let his tummy settle a little. He started to cry so hard. It was terrible. I couldn't pick him up to console him. I had to put my arms through the portholes and let him know I was there...he didn't want to be touched and I didn't know what to do. It sucked. Then his nurse told me that another nurse was going to retape his PICC line because the tape was getting loose. She put clothes on him and that calmed him down for a couple seconds...then he started to cry again. I couldn't take it anymore so I left to see Elliott. That was when I noticed that Elliott was sleeping in puke...I wanted to leave the hospital so bad but Annie had dropped me off so I didn't have to scrape the ice off my car so I had to wait until Andrew got off work. I went to the mother's room and pumped (I think that Aaron crying helped my milk production...). Andrew came to the hospital and made me feel better. He nipple fed Aaron at 8:30. I had to pump again..then went to say goodbye to both boys. I was happy to see that Elliott had an awesome nurse. Aaron's nurse told me that he spit up again and this time it was half of his feeding. She also informed me that his PICC line had clotted so it had to be taken out. He only had it in case he needed antibiotics or IV nutrition again. His nurse thought that it would not be put back in unless he needed it. I don't think he will need the IV nutrition unless he starts to lose weight or stops gaining it. He is currently 3lbs almost 1 ounce. Elliott is 3lbs almost 5 ounces.

Andrew just told me that I need to make a separate blog for me feeling and keep this one just Elliott and Aaron updates...maybe I should.



Heather_Short said...

heather here...thanks guys for all the updates. i think about you everyday and glad that i can use this page now. i just read through all the updates and i think all four of you are amazing. this is a lot to go through but it sounds like you are handling it as well as you can. jen, i don't have any babies but i'm a girl and can understand being emotional so feel free to call if you want. i'm sure there are a ton of ladies who have made the same offer but i wanted to throw my name in the list. :-)

The momma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The momma said...

My friends are reading this blog too, as well as praying for you and the babies, and crecia says to keep posting your feelings here. The boys will like reading it when they are older.

I had to delete the other comment because I spelled something wrong LOL